Cells Types:

1. Black - normal alive cells, that can ascend or can be intoxicated;

2. Green - toxic cells, that can intoxicate the black cells;

3. Blue - cells with immunity;

The zones implemented:

-> The Toxic Zone - a zone in which boundaries are generated just toxic (green) cells. Each 3rd generation 50% of the population in the zone dies. 

-> The Divine Zone - a zone in which boundaries all dead (white) cells come to life (become black).

New Rules:

−The Ascension: A black cell surrounded by 2 blue cells, gains immunity and becomes blue;

−The Quarantine: black cell with more blue neighbors than green remains the same, otherwise it becomes green.

−The Fallen Angel: A blue cell surrounded by 2 green cells loses immunity and becomes black.

Made withUnity


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Bland and optionless, the title didn't lie!